News & Events
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This July we went hiking on the Sattel-Hockstuckli. We had a great time crossing the longest pedestrian suspension bridge in Europe, grilling on the campfire and reaching the summit of the Hochstuckli.

We congratulate Kevin Portmann who defended his PhD thesis successfully on the 12th of July 2023. The whole group thanks him for the hard work and contribution and wishes him all the best for his future.

We congratulate Olivia Bucheli who defended her PhD thesis successfully on the 5th of July 2023. The whole group thanks her for the hard work and contribution and wishes her all the best for her future.
Interested in Cytokine secretion on the single-cell level? Have a look at our recently published study in external page CellRepMethods, which is online now.
Cytokines play an important role in mounting and controlling immune responses. However, infectious diseases and novel therapautic approaches often disturb this balance resulting in elevated secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and systemic inflammation, where current analysis methods are often not sensitive or fast enough for early detection and prevention of those side effects. In this study we present a dynamic droplet-based analysis platform, capable of analyzing cytokine secretion of individual cells with unprecedented dynamic resolution. The method was validated against traditional meaurement approaches and identified distinct secretion behaviors of PBMCs after stimulation. In the future a platform like this could be used to identify patients at risk of developing severe side effects, or to faster diagnose developing side effects and therefore potentially help to prevent unwanted clinical outcomes.
We are happy to announce that our review entitled "Insights into the relationship between persistent antibody secretion and metabolic programming – a question for single-cell analysis" has been accepted in external page Immunology Letters.
Humoral immunity is accomplished by antigen-specific, functional antibodies which are continuously produced by plasma cells. Understand the underlying mechanisms of plasma cell formation, functionalities and persistence would provide new insights into long-term humoral protection and could accelerate and focus vaccine development. In this review, we outlined how metabolic programs influence and control plasma cell differentiation, functionality and longevity, and summarized the current knowledge on metabolic pathways and their influence on cell fate. Moreover, the available technologies for metabolic profiling and their limitations are discussed, leading to the unique and open technological challenges for further developments in this research area.

We congratulate Nathan Aymerich who defended his PhD defence successfully on the 9th of June 2023. The whole group thanks him for his hard work and contribution and wish him all the best for his future.

For this year's Christmas event we aimed to find the fastest in our laboratory and went E-carting with our whole team. It turns out Luca is not only the fastest with the pipettes but also with the kart. We had a blast driving for the fastest time and enjoyed the time together over snacks and some drinks!
We are growing - a warm welcome to Manon Blache! She is an EPFL alumna and will work on a collaborative project between our lab and CSEM. All the best for your adventure!
We are growing! A warm welcome to postdoctoral fellow Daniela Rodrigues to our group! She joins us from the Toxicogenomics department in Maastricht and will be working on advancing multi-omic single-cell analysis - a good start, and all the best!

06.07.2022-09.07.2022 WIRM
Olivia presented her work on combining functional with metabolic flux analysis on a single-cell level at the 16th World Immune Regulation Meeting in an excellent talk and poster session - congratulations on Olivia’s first contributions to a scientific conference!
We are happy to welcome to the team Alessandro Streuli as a doctoral student. He will work on synthesizing peptidomimetics for vaccination of difficult diseases to treat in collaboration with Dr. Christian Steuer (Pharmaceutical Analytics Lab, IPW). We wish him all the best in his upcoming endeavors!

Back from our scientific group retreat in Paris! We met our collaborating team (lead by Dr. Jean Baudry and Prof. Jerome Bibette) at the ESPCI Paris, met Nathan Aymerich and Guilhem Chenon in Person, grabbed drinks with Dr. Bruhns team at the institute Pasteur and visited the facilities of Saber Bio SAS, a french start-up that Klaus co-founded. Two days packed in lab tours, scientific talks, projects planning and networking - but we still managed to catch a croissant and admire the sparkling Eiffel Tower!
Wir sind der Olga Mayenfisch Stiftung sehr dankbar für die großzügige Unterstützung unserer Studien mit dem Titel "Fight the storm - towards understanding and predicting developing CRS using multilevel ex vivo analysis". Diese Unterstüzung erlaubt es uns in Zukunft hoffentlich, Zytokinstürme in ihren Frühstadien zu erkennen und zu behandeln - wir sind motiviert und engagiert dies zu ermöglichen!
We are very thankful to the 'Olga Mayenfisch Stiftung' for their generous support for our studies entitled 'Fight the storm - towards understanding and predicting developing CRS using multilevel ex vivo analysis'. This support will hopefully allow us to detect and treat cytokine storms in their early stages in the future - we are motivated and committed to making this possible!
Es war ein Januar voller Premieren: in den USA erhält ein Patient erstmals ein Schweineherz, während in der Schweiz das kompromissloseste Tierversuchsverbot aller Zeiten zur Abstimmung steht. Wie weit aber dürfen/wollen/müssen wir Tiere tatsächlich für den Menschen instrumentalisieren? Gibt es eine vernünftige Lösung?
In diesem Podcast hat Julia Ecker hat sich die Lage mit dem Pharmazeuten Prof. Klaus Eyer und der Ethikern Prof. Claudia Paganini genauer angeschaut.
Der Podcast kann external page hier angehört werden.
It was a year full of firsts: in the USA, a patient received a pig's heart for the first time, while in Switzerland the most uncompromising ban on animal experiments of all time was put to the vote. But how far may/would/should we actually instrumentalize animals for humans? Is there a reasonable solution?
In this podcast, Julia Ecker took a closer look at the situation with pharmacist Prof. Klaus Eyer and ethicist Prof. Claudia Paganini.
You can listen to the podcast external page here (german only).
Wir begrüssen Aline Linder und Ines Lüchtefeld in unserer Gruppe! Aline wird als Doktorandin in Zusammenarbeit mit Dr. Irina Giurgea am 'Trousseau - hôpital pédiatrique et maternité' in Paris an systemischen autoinflammatorischen Erkrankungen arbeiten, und Ines wird die Einzelorganoid-Analyse zu einem Prototyp für klinische Anwendungen weiterentwickeln (in Zusammenarbeit mit Prof. Gehart, D-HEST)! Herzlich willkommen und viel Glück!
We welcome Aline Linder and Ines Lüchtefeld to our group! Aline will work as a doctoral student on systemic autoinflammatory diseases in collaboration with Dr. Irina Giurgea at 'Trousseau - hôpital pédiatrique et maternité' in Paris, and Ines will advance single-organoid analysis into a protoype for clinical applications (in collaboration with Prof. Gehart from D-HEST)! Welcome, and good luck for your adventure and journey!
Was bedeutet es Wissenschafler zu sein? Wie denken die? Was machen die so den ganzen Tag? Prof. Eyer hat sich mit dem Walliser Boten hingesetzt und diese und andere Fragen rund um die Wissenschaft, die Pandemie und über die Magie der Wissenschaft beantwortet. Das 2-seitige Interview kann im Walliser Boten gelsen werden (nur als bezahlter Inhalt verfügbar)
What does it mean to be a scientist? How do they think? What do they do all day? Prof. Eyer sat down with the Walliser Boten and answered these and other questions about science, the pandemic and about the magic of science. The 2-page interview can be read in the Walliser Boten (only available as paid content)